Sunday, November 3, 2024

Short Tales by Guanaco


Your boyfriend gets up to go to the bathroom and you realize he left his cell phone unlocked. You grab it and start looking through his last calls. You see a call to a certain "Saturday whore." You hesitate a bit, but dial the number. Your cell phone rings.


Your friend invites you to his neighborhood to trick or treat on Halloween night. You ring the doorbell of a beautiful house. Your dad opens the door. He lives there with his other family.

The Other

Late at night, you scroll through an app that promises to reveal secrets. Curious, you upload a selfie, eager to see what it uncovers. The screen flashes: "You're not alone." Suddenly, your cell phone rings displaying your own number. Confused, you answer, only to hear your own voice whisper, “I’ve taken your place.”

Sin sentido

Api pirindocun bobo peti cundocn pshhh